Arnold Corneal, Homeless Education & Foster Care Liaison
915 Court Street, Lynchburg, VA 24504
Phone (434) 515-5043
The federal McKinney-Vento Act guarantees school enrollment for anyone who, due to a lack of permanent housing, lives in inadequate or temporary settings, such as:
- In emergency or transitional shelters
- In motels, hotels, or campgrounds
- In cars, parks, public places, bus or train stations, or abandoned buildings
- Doubled up with relatives or friends
- In these conditions and is a migratory child or youth
Children and youth living in these settings meet criteria for the McKinney-Vento definition of homelessness and have special educational rights.
What Families Need to Know
Your child can enroll in school even if you have:
- Uncertain housing
- A temporary address
- No permanent physical address
Educational Rights for Children and Youth Lacking Fixed, Regular, and Adequate Housing
- You do not need a permanent address to enroll your child in school.
- Your child cannot be denied school enrollment when school records or other enrollment documentation are not immediately available.
- Your child may be able to remain in the same school (school of origin) even if you move.
- Your child has the right to transportation services to and from the school of origin.
- Schools must provide you with a written explanation if a placement dispute occurs, and you may appeal the school’s decision.
- Your child automatically qualifies to participate in free breakfast and lunch programs.
- Your child has the right to participate in extracurricular activities and all federal, state, or local programs for which he/she is eligible.
- Unaccompanied youth lacking fixed, regular, and adequate housing have these same rights.
At School, Ask About These Special Services
- Tutoring programs
- Programs to help children learn English
- Gifted programs
- Summer school programs
- Preschool programs
- Before- and after-school programs
- Homeless assistance programs
- Mentoring programs
- Special education programs for students with disabilities, especially if the student has previously received special education services
School Professionals Also May Provide
- Quiet time or a personal space to allow your child to complete homework at school
- Basic school supplies
- Contact information for community agencies and helpful resources
Tips for Families Who Move Often
- Keep a copy of birth certificates and school records accessible
- Safeguard all health and immunization records
- Have a reliable person keep a second copy of the child’s birth certificate, school records, and health information
- Enroll children in school as soon as possible
What You Can Do Before Moving
- Tell your child’s teacher and principal that your child is moving and give them the new address.
- Let school officials know if you want your child to stay in his/her school of origin while you are getting the family stabilized.
- Ask for a copy of your child’s school records, including immunizations.
Agency Information List
The following contacts may be useful resources to families and children experiencing homelessness:
- Coordinated Homeless Intake & Access (CHIA) 918 Commerce Street - (434) 455-5722
- Domestic Violence Prevention Center - (434) 528-1041
- Salvation Army 2211 Park Ave. - (434) 845-5939
- Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline (VA Department of Social Services) - (800) 552-7096
- Virginia Family Violence and Sexual Assault Hotline - (800) 838-8238
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention - (800) 342-2437
- Hill Burton Free Hospital Care (U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services) - (800) 638-0742
- Project Immunize Virginia - (757) 668-6435
- Medicaid Provider Helpline - (800) 552-8627
- Family Access to Medical Insurance Security Plane (FAMIS) - (866) 873-2647
- Pupil Transportation - (804) 225-2037
- National Mental Health Association Resource Center - (800) 969-6642
- National Association for the Education of Young Children - (800) 424-2460
- Adult Education and Literacy - (804) 225-2075
- Statewide Human Services Information and Referral - (800) 230-6977
- Food Stamps - (804) 726-7378
- Lawyer Referral Service - (800) 552-7977
- Social Security Administration Hotline
Assists individuals applying for benefits - (800) 772-1213 or (800) 325-0778 (TDD) - National Alliance to End Homelessness - (202) 638-1526
- Virginia Housing Development Authority - (877) 843-22123
- National Runaway Switchboard - (800) 786-2929
- Child Help USA Hotline Counselors available to talk with pre-teens about their problems - (800) 422-4453
- Virginia Interagency Action Council for the Homeless (VIACH) - (804) 371-7175
For more information and resources, visit Project Hope - Virginia. This is Virginia’s program for the education of homeless children and youth, which is administered by the College of William & Mary for the Virginia Department of Education.
Project Hope - Virginia: Education for Children & Youth Experiencing Homelessness