Do you have a child who uses signed communication? Would you like to learn more signs and meet other families who also use signed communication? Click below to see a list of classes, groups, and a few additional resources that support and promote the use of ASL/sign language in Lynchburg and surrounding areas.
Also, we are excited to be talking with the Lynchburg Outreach Specialist for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Service Center about the possibility of starting our own community ASL class here in Lynchburg. This class would be specifically for hearing parents who want to get together and learn how to better communicate with their deaf child or child who primarily uses sign language for communication. If you would be interested in this type of group, please fill out the form at the link below and mail to the LCS Parent Resource Service at 2401 High Street, Lynchburg, VA, 24504; or email to [email protected]; or call (434) 515-5180.