Elementary School Reassignment

A parent/guardian may request an alternative school assignment for elementary students if there is a documented hardship involving a working parent/guardian and the need for child care services. No such provisions are made for reassignment of middle or high school students. Refer to school board policy JC-RZ.

To request a babysitter hardship placement, please contact the Office of the Deputy Superintendent at (434) 515-5074 or email connellymaysja@lcsedu.net to have an application uploaded to your Parent Portal via Infinite Campus.
Resident Employee Request for School Placement

A parent or guardian who is a resident of the City of Lynchburg and an employee of the Lynchburg City Schools may enroll or request a transfer of their child to another school in the division. Approval of any request is discretionary and based upon the principal’s recommendation and availability of space in the new school. School reassignments will be valid for a period of one year. Parent/guardian employees must reapply for consideration annually.

Parent/guardian employees must insure that students maintain good attendance as well as consistently arrive and depart school according to the published hours of operation for schools. Reassignments may be revoked for students who experience issues related to truancy; including, but not limited to, excessive absences, tardies, or early dismissals, and repeated late pick-ups from school and the child/children may be required to attend the school serving the legal residence of the parent/guardian.

Non-Resident Student Tuition

The Lynchburg School Board annually sets a tuition rate for non-resident students to attend the Lynchburg City Schools. The tuition rate is approximately the amount spent from local tax funds for the education of one student for one year. Click here for more information about non-resident student tuition.

Home Instruction (Home School)

As required by the compulsory attendance statutes in the State Code of Virginia, children who will have reached their fifth birthday on or before September 30 of any school year and who have not passed the eighteenth birthday are required to attend school during the period of each year the public schools are in session. Parents with children between the stated ages may elect to provide home instruction in lieu of school attendance if they satisfy the requirements as outlined in 22.1-254.1 of the Code of Virginia. Refer to Lynchburg City School Board Policies LBD and LBD-RZ as well as §22.1-254 of the Code of Virginia.

Contact homeschool@lcsedu.net for assistance.

Part-Time Enrollment

Lynchburg City resident students who are currently enrolled in a private school or receiving home instruction may apply for part-time enrollment in Lynchburg City Schools to take advantage of LCS course offerings and extracurricular activities. Click here for more information about part-time enrollment.

Schools for Innovation

Click here for more information about Lynchburg City Schools' three schools for innovation.

Year-Round Elementary School

Click here for more information about year-round school at William Marvin Bass Elementary School.