The Perrymont PTO is a collaboration of parents/guardians, teachers and staff working together to enrich the educational experience for the students of Perrymont Elementary School. All parents/guardians of PES students are automatically a part of the PTO and are encouraged to reach out to the PTO through our email with questions or follow our Facebook page for more information about what we are doing and events coming up. We encourage all parents/guardians to be actively involved with PTO and help us to support our teachers and students. All talents can be utilized for PTO, from volunteering your time to networking and fundraising to help with celebrations and events throughout the school year. All volunteers must apply for approval to be on campus. This must be renewed every school year and is not included with your child’s registration. The process is free and is a simple form to fill out but must be completed prior to helping/volunteering for events and activities at Perrymont Elementary School. Click here to complete the School Volunteer Application. Meetings for Perrymont PTO are held monthly on the first Tuesday of the month at 6 p.m. Meetings are held virtually and will be posted to the Perrymont PTO Facebook page.

PTO Officers


President: Adriel Roberts
Vice-President: James Roberts
Secretary: Morgan Hall
Treasurer: James Roberts

Follow the Perrymont PTO on Facebook